City, Sanpete April 12, 1870
A blessing given by John Smith, Patriarch upon the head of Ingoberg Thomander, daughter of Truls and Karna Pharsen. Born Husie Sogn. Skone Sweden June 9, 1840.
Sister Ingoberg in the name of Jesus Christ I lay my hands upon thy head and I ask you to bless thee with the influence of His Holy spirit and enlighten thy mind and give thee wisdom that you may be made equal with every task and fill up the measure of your creation upon the earth. Thou art of the house of Israel and have embraced the gospel with an honest heart and was called from thy Native Land for a wise purpose AND IF thou wilt live up to thy privileges (sic) thou shall be a Savior among thy kindred and many shall yet rejoice with thee. Thou shall be blessed in the labor of the hands and shall gather around thee the comforts of life thou are of Ephraim and entitled to the blessings of the Redeemers Kingdom thy children shall bless thee in thy old age and thy name shall be held in rememberance (sic) among the saints and thou shalt be crowned here after among the mothers in Israel and if thou will be prudent and listen to the prompting of the moneter (sic) within thee thou shalt be warned of future events and thy days and years shall be prolonged according to they faith and the desires of thy heart. This blessing I seal upon thy head and I seal thee up unto eternal life to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection even so. Amen