A Patriarchial (sic) Blessing given by Patriarch Zebedee Coltrin, in Provo,
June 25th, 1881, on the head of Peter Madsen, son of Mads Petersen and Marie
Hansen. Born Vejle, County Denmark April 6th, 1824.
"Brother Peter, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ I lay my hands upon your head and seal upon you a patriachial (sic) blessing. Thou art of the seed of Abraham, house of Joseph, lineage of Ephraim. I seal upon you a father's blessing for your are entitled to all the blessings of the Holy Priesthood, in as much as thou continue faithful and keep the commandments of the Lord, thou shall attain unto all the blessings of Eternal Life and the spirit of prophesy and revelation shall abide within you, and every organ of thy mind shall be filled with the inspirations of the heaven. Thou wast called and chosen of the Lord before the foundations of the earth were laid to come forth in this dispensation to assist in the proclaiming of the gospel unto the inhabitants of the earth and thou shall do much good and shall bring many to a knowledge of the truth and shall do a great work in building up the Zion of the Lord upon the earth, for the spirit of thy calling as a judge in Israel shall rest upon thee and the wisdom of the heavens shall abide with thee, and thou shall be enabled to understand all the duties pertaining unto thy high and holy calling, thou shall be enabled to do a great work upon the earth for the blessing of the Lord shall rest upon you.
Thou shall be enabled to rejoin the Holy One of Israel and shall be filled with the knowledge of the heavens and shall attain unto all the blessings of eternal lives, the spirit of the Most High shall dwell with in you and thou shall become a man of mighty faith before the Lord. There shall be no miracle too great for thee to do when it shall be for the salvation of the Zion of the Lord, thou shall be enabled to officiate in all the different departments of the Holy Priesthood when it shall become necessary and thou shall be filled with the intelligence of the heavens and shall become a mighty councilor in the midst of the brothern (sic) and shall do a great work upon the earth both for the living and the dead and shall assist in the redemption of thy Father's house and shall be enabled to attain unto all the blessings and healing power that shall be given in the Temples of the Lord and thou shall behold the Savior when He shall come to His Temple.
The angels of the Lord shall administer unto you and thy heart shall be made to rejoice in the Holy One of Israel, thou shall be wrapped in the visions of the heavens and shall know the mind and will of the Lord concerning thee in all things. Thou art called and chosen to do a great work in the Zion of the Lord and the mighty power of Jehovah shall rest upon you. Thou are of the pure blood of Jacob and have a right to all the blessings of eternal life. Thou shalt be numbered with the Lords anointed and shall attain unto all the power of that Kingly Priesthood that has been sealed upon they head and the blessings of the Lord thy God shall be given unto thee to direct and sustain thee throughout all thy days upon the earth.
Thou shall live upon the earth until thou art satisfied of life and thy posterity shall become numerous upon the earth, the Holy Priesthood shall rest upon them throughout all their generations. Thy sons shall become mighty men before the Lord filled with the intelligence of the heavens and the light of the Lord shall dwell within them, they shall be enabled to do a mighty work in the Zion of the Lord. Thy daughters shall be filled with the wisdom of the heavens and the blessings of eternal life shall abide within them and thou shalt receive an everlasting inheritance when the Ancient of Days shall sit.
Now brother I seal all these blessings upon thy head and thee up unto all the powers of exaltation, of thrones and dominions and powers of eternal life, in the Name of our Lord, Jesus Christ - Amen."
Reported and recorded, Book C. Page 200, by George P. W. Stevenson
Copied from original Patriarchial (sic) blessing by Julina Madsen Hardy, May
25, 1953